Custom Chock Ruidhasa, Kishanganj [email protected]


Research, Evaluation & Monitoring (REM)

Research, Evaluation & Monitoring (REM)

Research and evaluation supports are integral to a programme like the SSA. This is a very important intervention for the quality planning and implementation of SSA. Many of the intervention strategies in SSA are based on assumptions. To validate them it is necessary that they are scientifically examined. Moreover, there is a serious dearth of researches on pedagogical and non-pedagogical issues influencing quality of elementary education. In order to seek answers to numerous pertinent issues emanating from variety of context specific factors it is essential that the SSA should pay special attention to conduct, promote sponsor, and advocate for serious research in the area of elementary education. Therefore, this component have received due importance in the SSA. It is expected that the research studies and surveys will serve three-fold objectives:

To provide inputs both in terms of qualitative and quantitative data for plan formulation.

To provide inputs both in terms of qualitative and quantitative data for plan formulation.

To assess the processes adopted in implementation of the plan.

To evaluate the impact or the outcomes of interventions.

The major research projects to be undertaken/undertaken under SSA are:

Base-line, mid-term and terminal learners achievement surveys: These are required to assess the achievement level of students at the primary and upper primary stages of education in each district, with special focus on the achievement of girls, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, rural and urban students. Social Assessment Study: The study is required to assess the existing socio-economic, cultural and educational scenario and problems of various communities living in the area with special focus on SC/ST, other deprived section of the society and girls.

Studies: To assess the effectiveness of on-going educational schemes, community participations, classroom practices, teacher training programmes, preparation and use of TLMs etc.

Action Research: To promote small action research in schools to help in school effectiveness, classroom transaction & teaching learning process.

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